July 24, 2007


Your Daily Wank

"We have a prime minister who has George W. Bush as American Idol."


Teh text reads that quote but the picture of Dion adds th word "his" to American Idol which changes the sentence.

I didn't hear the exact quote, but could it have been a translation issue (either by Dion himself or a journalist) a language grammar issue or perhaps a sloppy editor.....
TangoJuliette sez:

Hey! Can we make a trade with France? straight up?We give 'em Steffi and they give us Sarkozy ? Hell. We'll even throw in a couple of oranges and a used cup to sweeten the deal.
Is Dion auditioning to be Prime Minister, or a columnist with the Toronto Star ? Actually, he's so mediocre, I don't think even the Star would have him.

But I'm sure there's room for him at Liblogs where his "insights" would be most welcome.
Just like in Hansard, Steph needs someone to correct all his words so they actually make sense in English. Without a corrector, he sounds plain stupid.
The worst part of this is that Bush is certainly not Harper's idol, nor is he the idol of most Canadians, Conservative or otherwise. Harper may have some ideological similarities with Bush, but that's where it ends. Harper has been firm on a number of issues pertaining to our sovereignty, and any implication he is some kind of lapdog for Bush is sorely mistaken.
If you click on the video link on CTV's site, you can hear Dion say "...as American Idol", not "...as his American Idol".

(I also just discovered that I had somehow set the post's timestamp to 7:24pm instead of 7:24am. Whoops.)
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