October 08, 2009


Counterfeit suspenders?

About a month ago, the Mark Dyrholm campaign announced that he had been endorsed by Ontario MPP Randy Hillier. I supported Randy in the Ontario PC leadership race this past summer, and was somewhat disappointed that he'd picked a different candidate than my favourite, but didn't think too much of it. However, it struck me as odd that the endorsement got no direct coverage in the media whatsoever; it was only covered by the Dyrholm campaign itself and a few blogs that quoted them.

As time went on, though, I grew more suspicious. So this week, I e-mailed Randy Hillier and asked him about this endorsement. Here's what he said:
About two months ago, Wildrose Alliance leadership candidate Mark Dyrholm adopted the immigration policy that I had used in my platform for the Ontario PC Leadership race. I was asked by his campaign team if I minded, and if I could express my appreciation in Mark's adoption of the policy. I sent Mark a note congratulating him for adopting such a forward-thinking policy into his own campaign platform.

However, I've not come out in support of any particular candidate in the Wildrose Alliance leadership contest.

Let me repeat that: "I've not come out in support of any particular candidate." Shame on the Dyrholm campaign for trying to portray Hillier's praise for a single policy as a full-fledged endorsement.

It also makes you wonder about some of the other endorsements their campaign has claimed to receive...


Maybe you should talk to Hillier's son from Anders office who arranged it.

I also notice Hillier is not on the quotable section of the Dyrholm website. It seems to be the Dyrholm campaign was just refering to the policy as that is the only place the endorsement is mentioned.

Did you ever think of asking the Dyrholm camp?
The endorsement on Mark's Facebook you referred to is very clear it is about a policy. Please stop twisting things around.

For the record. It was Russ Hillier that approached us and discussed this policy with Mark. We were on the same page and Randy endorsed the policy and Mark refers to that specifically.

Here is the policy in full that he endorses.

- For Immediate Release - Monday, August 17, 2009 -

(Calgary) Mark Dyrholm, leadership candidate for the Wildrose Alliance Party announced today, if elected leader he would propose measures to improve Alberta's immigration system for new Canadians.

"Immigration is very important for the economy of Alberta. Unfortunately, the current provincial government and previous administrations have ignored the importance and have even been fearful of discussing the issue at all. Alberta has neglected its proper role in setting immigration policy. There are clear and significant benefits to immigration, but there is also a significant cost which is borne by the province. We need a shift in focus. Alberta needs to work with the federal government to get the best new Canadians into the province" stated Mark Dyrholm, Leadership candidate for the Wildrose Alliance Party.

Québec created its own Department for Immigration (now called the Department of Cultural Communities and Immigration) in 1968 and in co-operation with the federal government has created the Quebec-selected skilled workers intiative. The federal government website at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/quebec/index.asp states that the immigrants to Québec "...have the skills, education and work experience needed to make an immediate economic contribution to the province of Quebec and establish themselves successfully as permanent residents in Canada. Under the Canada-Québec Accord on Immigration, Québec establishes its own immigration requirements..."

"I have made clear in this campaign that I want to strengthen Alberta within the confines of confederation and this policy will allow us to put the economy and interests of Alberta first. Alberta taxpayers shoulder the cost of education, healthcare and other social programs for immigrants, yet we do not determine the criteria and numbers and this is something we can do as part of confederation." concluded Dyrholm.

Mark Dyrholm proposes the following:

Have Alberta assume proper constitutional jurisdiction over immigration.
Follow the Québec model and allow Alberta to set immigration standards for the province, with a focus on skilled workers to meet the needs of the economy.
Require skilled immigrants coming to Alberta to apply for a certicate of selection to acertain where the best place for the skilled worker to settle would be and where they are most needed.
Get the Alberta Sheriffs working together with the Canadian Border Service Agency (CBSA) and Citizenship and Immigration Canada to help with the removal of immigrants who have come to Alberta illegally, or who have committed criminal acts while in the province.
Streamline and shorten the accreditation process for skilled trades, foreign-trained professionals and those who have been properly and legitimately sponsored. Those who come to Alberta with useful skills need to be supported and processed more quickly. Immigration is an essential part of Alberta's economy.
Create a list of countries where professional qualifications are deemed equivalent.
Sources: Citizenship and Immigration Canada, Canada Border Services Agency, Immigration-Québec
The endorsement on Mark's Facebook you referred to is very clear it is about a policy.

Wrong. It claims a blanket "endorsement" from Hillier. There is no mention of it only extending to the immigration policy, as the screenshot clearly shows.

Not only that, but your immigration policy news release doesn't even mention Hillier, so how could anyone possibly know that's what your talking about?

(BTW, as far as I can tell your policy page/PDF doesn't mention the immigration policy at all.)
Chandler gets caught, lying and deceiving again, except its everyone else fault but his.
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