August 26, 2005
Pique Oil
Via Daimnation, I found this post by Steven Levitt, the author of Freakonomics. He does an excellent job of drawing attention to some of the glaring economic problems with "peak oil" theory. (Be sure the read the links at the end of the post, as well.)
The post generated a lot of interest, garnering almost 150 comments. What struck me as ironic about them was that much of the discussion consisted of right-wingers talking about how consumption-reducing techniques like solar power and public transit were workable alternatives, while left-wingers denounced them as unrealistic fantasies.
Levitt's post was especially upsetting to the first commenter:
The post generated a lot of interest, garnering almost 150 comments. What struck me as ironic about them was that much of the discussion consisted of right-wingers talking about how consumption-reducing techniques like solar power and public transit were workable alternatives, while left-wingers denounced them as unrealistic fantasies.
Levitt's post was especially upsetting to the first commenter:
When are you religious fanatics of "economics" and Adam Smith's invisible waving hand going to wake up and admit you worship a false deity?Don't make me go all Visible Fist on you, friend.
Labels: energy, invisible hand
August 24, 2005
A Tale of Two Newsletters
When I got home this evening, I was greeted by two e-newsletters in my inbox. The first was from the Conservative Party, and featured a comparison of what Stephen Harper and Paul Martin have be doing over the summer.

It links to a page on the Conservative site with a map that shows how much more Harper has travelled around the country this summer compared to Martin. More importantly, it also features ten issues which have been important to Canada during that time, and contrasts the Liberals' inaction with the what the Conservatives would do if they were in power, including links to the relevant sections of the Conservative policy declaration. The issues are all referenced to the Conservative slogan, Stand up for Canada.
(In the event that one of the webmasters is reading my humble blog, I'd like to point out a small glitch: in the "Devil's Lake" section, the banner text mistakenly says Safer Communities when it slides onto the screen, before changing to the correct version, The Environment.)
On the other side, we have the Liberal newsletter.
Anyway, let's take a look at the choices in their new survey, asking "What element of our health care accord is the most important to you?"

It links to a page on the Conservative site with a map that shows how much more Harper has travelled around the country this summer compared to Martin. More importantly, it also features ten issues which have been important to Canada during that time, and contrasts the Liberals' inaction with the what the Conservatives would do if they were in power, including links to the relevant sections of the Conservative policy declaration. The issues are all referenced to the Conservative slogan, Stand up for Canada.
(In the event that one of the webmasters is reading my humble blog, I'd like to point out a small glitch: in the "Devil's Lake" section, the banner text mistakenly says Safer Communities when it slides onto the screen, before changing to the correct version, The Environment.)
On the other side, we have the Liberal newsletter.
Dear Dan ,Funny, when I filled out the Liberal Party's online survey a month ago, I didn't choose health care as my "number one priority." Isn't it nice that the Liberals assume that whatever option wins a plurality of the vote automatically becomes the sole voice of the nation? At least we know why they think they should be able to do whatever they want when they win less than 40% of the vote...
In our first survey you told us that health care was your number one priority, as it is ours.
What element of our health care accord is the most important to you?
Click Here Now to answer this short survey about issues that are important to you.
Thanks for your participation!
Anyway, let's take a look at the choices in their new survey, asking "What element of our health care accord is the most important to you?"
- Reducing Wait Times and Improving Access
- The Wait Times Reduction Fund
(A tad repetitive, aren't we?) - Strategic Health Human Resource Action Plans
(If anyone can figure out what the heck this is supposed to mean, please let me know.) - Home Care
- Primary Care Reform
- National Pharmaceuticals Strategy
- Ensuring the Health of Canadians
(Now there's a specific and meaningful choice.) - Prevention, Promotion and Public Health
(See above.) - Accountability and Reporting to Citizens
(Don't hold your breath.)
Labels: Conservative Party, Liberal Party
August 02, 2005
What's wrong with the Charter?
I am in the planning stages of creating an ongoing project for this site, examining what I believe are flaws in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It will detail the individual sections of the Charter, highlighting any problems with its goals (or means of accomplishing those goals) and suggesting ways to improve it.
I would greatly appreciate pre-emptive feedback for this project, so please e-mail me or post a comment here if there's a section (or sections) that you'd like to critique, or if there's an improvement you'd like to suggest, or if you want to denounce me as un-Canadian for daring to criticize the Charter. ;)
I would greatly appreciate pre-emptive feedback for this project, so please e-mail me or post a comment here if there's a section (or sections) that you'd like to critique, or if there's an improvement you'd like to suggest, or if you want to denounce me as un-Canadian for daring to criticize the Charter. ;)
Labels: Charter